......let me just say this.
This was the one scene in the whole of Bridal Mask that made me empathize so much I was all choked up on tears. This was the one scene, where I could not hold back my tears.
This was the one scene, where I understood completely what the character (or even actor, I would say) was feeling.
This scene, consists of potatoes.
Now Nelly might find that funny. *INSIDE JOKE*
Seriously, I will never look at potatoes the same way after watching this scene.
For the first time, Kang To met with Yang Baek who had come to Korea for a very important and risky agenda. Kang To met with him in a secret hideout, where they were served tea and boiled potatoes. I just realized that after his mother and brother's death, he was extremely lonely. He had this hole in his heart. It was that type of hole in your heart that could only be filled with the warmth of a family.
Evidently, after his brother and mother's tragic death, that hole was formed. Burned right through his heart clean.
He was handed a single peeled potato. He bit into it.
And the memories came flooding back into him. They lingered in his mind. And they tortured him. Who knew sweet memories like such could be so tormenting?
He remembered how he used to enjoy tea and boiled potatoes with his family, and how they used to joke around and talk.
Joo Won (Kang To) was totally spectacular in this scene. He had totally invested himself into this character during the shooting of this scene. Flawless.
He shed tears. I shed tears. The emotion was so hard to control and I empathized with the actor.
At this point, eventhough he was the knight in shining armor, this was the part where he had to put his heroic status on hold and let his emotions flow. This was the part where everything within him is being let out in the form of tears. This was the part where he was in turmoil.
This, I regard, one of the most touching scenes in Gaksital.
Softy's Comment:
At first I didn’t get where all her animosity went once she learned who K was, but now I understand. They live in a time where you just don’t hold grudges. You live each day knowing it could be your last. When you finally discover the young master you have been waiting for, you don’t dwell on the past and what he did to you cuz all that matters now is he is Gaksital. He is a hero for the Koreans and someone she has come to love. She thought a stranger was behind that mask so I guess it’s only right that she accepts him so easily into her heart since she has basically loved this guy from childhood. In a way, the tears she shed was from remorse. Just like he mistreated her in the past and regretted, tonight was her turn. Once she shed those tears, she washed away her hatred for him. The more people know about K’s identity as Gaksital, it gets more dangerous for him. But this is the one person I was hoping would know everything about how he became Gaksital cuz you just know that K’s road ahead is a little less scary knowing he has her by his side.
Now for some humor done by my fellow Gaksital fans.
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