Saturday, 15 September 2012


Hey, people! Nelly here, Well, yes. I’m going to share my thoughts on exams. But I’m not sharing my thoughts on tips and stuff. Seriously, if you’re looking for that, here ain’t the place. Sorry. I’m here to tell you that mine and Allyx’s exams are coming soon. Like really soon. Like sooner than soon. So, we are going to slow down a bit, but before that, this is my last post. For the examination period. Not forever. So, yeah. Exams. Exams & I don’t get along too well. Whenever I get my paper, this is what I perceive the paper to be like,

Seriously, and I’m just like

But, oh well. There’s nothing you can do about it. so, whenever I’m told exams are close, I’m just like

"What? No. Please. We just finished."

Then I have friends who keep bugging the teacher on the exams, and I’m just like

And then my timetable comes out and I’m still like

And then the exams have arrived and I’m still 

And when I get home, I’m just like

And at the end, after everything

So, you see. We are not meant together. Never. AT all. It’s like putting to explosive chemicals in one container, so, my advice to you people, try to get along with exams.


Random question: Which genius invented exams?

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