Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Freaking Social Media

Hey, readers! Nelly here! Now, to get straight to the point. What is up with freaking addictiveness to social freaking media?! I mean, c’mon! Facebook? Twitter? MySpace? Friendster? And bunch of others. No harm getting accounts but there’s something called ‘abusing’. People these days – or should I say – retards these days are abusing social media! Instead of being brave & facing the freaking music or problems or enemies, they let everything out on the media. AND one misunderstood tweet/status/whatever can bring heck of harm. I’ve seen it and experienced it (I wasn’t the victim nor the person that started the fire but the person who watched friendship crumble). I ain’t trying to preach but I’m just warning you people to be careful. THINK before you tweet/post/update/whatever. Don’t just run your mouth – or in this case – run your, uh, brain? Fingers? But basically, you get the point. AND NEVER, I repeat, NEVER REPORT YOUR WHOLE FREAKING LIFE ON FREAKING SOCIAL MEDIA. They are creatures called predators that feed on things like these. They watch you & for the love of GOD, DON’T EVER POST THINGS LIKE, “Parents are out of town. Have the whole place to myself” or “Ugh! I hate my parents/siblings” & stuff along those lines. The reason for the latter; Predators observe you & use these things against you plus when you try to get a part time job or something (for elderly teens), the employer MIGHT decide to do some “background check” & MIGHT “come across” your stats & BAM! – you got no job. They might think you’re some fighter cock or something. So, in conclusion, just have brains and don’t post anything stupid. Thank you!

Random Fact: Whatever you say to Siri it’s been recorded & sent to the Apple Headquarters.

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