Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Freaking Social Media

Hey, readers! Nelly here! Now, to get straight to the point. What is up with freaking addictiveness to social freaking media?! I mean, c’mon! Facebook? Twitter? MySpace? Friendster? And bunch of others. No harm getting accounts but there’s something called ‘abusing’. People these days – or should I say – retards these days are abusing social media! Instead of being brave & facing the freaking music or problems or enemies, they let everything out on the media. AND one misunderstood tweet/status/whatever can bring heck of harm. I’ve seen it and experienced it (I wasn’t the victim nor the person that started the fire but the person who watched friendship crumble). I ain’t trying to preach but I’m just warning you people to be careful. THINK before you tweet/post/update/whatever. Don’t just run your mouth – or in this case – run your, uh, brain? Fingers? But basically, you get the point. AND NEVER, I repeat, NEVER REPORT YOUR WHOLE FREAKING LIFE ON FREAKING SOCIAL MEDIA. They are creatures called predators that feed on things like these. They watch you & for the love of GOD, DON’T EVER POST THINGS LIKE, “Parents are out of town. Have the whole place to myself” or “Ugh! I hate my parents/siblings” & stuff along those lines. The reason for the latter; Predators observe you & use these things against you plus when you try to get a part time job or something (for elderly teens), the employer MIGHT decide to do some “background check” & MIGHT “come across” your stats & BAM! – you got no job. They might think you’re some fighter cock or something. So, in conclusion, just have brains and don’t post anything stupid. Thank you!

Random Fact: Whatever you say to Siri it’s been recorded & sent to the Apple Headquarters.

Saturday, 18 August 2012


My Reaction:


Aaaane here we are...

Then we have my reaction:


And this was seriously me:


Thursday, 2 August 2012

Tables Have Turned

Hey, hey, people! :D So sorry haven’t updated in a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. Just got caught up with life. Any who, now you people can read, right (no freaking duh!)? Yea, so the ‘tables have turned’ brings many definitions. It could be literally, like when someone is mad and does this,

…or just a figure of speech. I’m not doing the literal meaning. Anyway, this post is kinda personal but it’s filled with honesty (that was what my Mood Sense app said on my iPod today, jokes aside). This incident really benefitted me. It was heck affective. Seriously. It started off when I heard a saying, ‘Treat your foes/enemies and friends all equal.’ And I was just like, 

…yea. But then after what happened, I was just like,

So, there was this girl, I shall call her A (I’m concealing their identities to save their faces) and another girl called B. So, the equation is A + B = Friends. They knew each other since they were about 11, but weren’t in a same school. Finally, when they turned 13, they apparently enrolled in the same school (coincidence? I don’t think so, doubt it, nah). Anyway, at first both of them were like,

…and then halfway through the year, things got bad. Girl B started spreading rumors and talking bad and making up stories about Girl A. And Girl A didn’t do anything. No one knows why Girl B did that but some people added in their own opinions and factors, like jealously. And Girl A was just like,

Then things got worse. Situations became awkward. Girl A was losing her closest friends. And whenever she hung out with them at lunch or break, she was just like,

…and her friends will just look at her and be all like,


…and also like,

So, basically, things got very sad. Girl A got VERY lonely. And finally, she silently blew up (no kidding, it happened). She complained to her teacher after a heart-stabbing incident by her closest friends. Her teacher told her to stay cool and all and so did her parents and blah, blah and she really couldn’t stand that convo anymore. She was just like,

…and was constantly forever alone.

Nevertheless, a new year came! She met an old friend from another class and they sat together and BOOM! They became best friends :D THE END!

Nah, I’m kidding. She still had problems. And unfortunately, her best friend was affected. But her best friend (Girl 786451685646485464) didn’t mind at all. Her best friend was amazingly supporting and patient. Girl A was lucky to have her. Then finally, the tables turned FIGURATIVELY even though occasionally Girl A wanted to literally flip the tables on Girl B and her traitorous friends and then walk away.

So, to cut the story short. Girl A is now having her time of a life. She got back her friends but is still best friends with Girl 786451685646485464, mind you. And everyone isolated Girl B and so did Girl A but then Girl A began to sympathise Girl B. And that’s when the saying hit her – like getting slam dunked!

So, Girl A decided to stop since she didn’t like to be treated like that. Now they’re still friends but there’s an advisable limit. So, people out there, just chill out. Things will turn out fine if you just learn to keep under the radar and well, listen. And learn to accept it, drop it and move on. That’s kind of my quotation. And like I mentioned earlier, I really benefitted. So, give it a try :) Thanks. ~Nelly  

Random Fact: People eat up to about 8 spiders a year while sleeping.