Saturday, 2 February 2013

Happy Anniversary!!! :D :D

Heyy!!! It was our first anniversary on the 30th and we suck for not putting up anything! Anyhow, here we are now!! And if you have been following us since day 1, give yourself a pat on your back for your awesomeness!! And readers, you know what will be a very good anniversary present? Just spread the word. It will make us soo happy. You would have made 2 happy, weird strangers in some other part of the world happy. You would feel very proud. So, thank you! Now, till the next post, ROCK ON!!! ~Allyx N Nelly (the sexy one :P)  
I don't know why but I saw this and had to put it up 

Friday, 11 January 2013

#Cutforbieber – what?

Hello there (still haven’t thought of a fandom name yet). Anyway, our apologies. Allyx came back then went out of town while I went away and then when I came back, I went out of town. So, yea, we weren't really here. Nevertheless, very belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope you guys had good ones. And also, our hearts go out to the victims of the Sandy Elementary School and the families that have to live through the tragedy. Can we please have a minute of silence?


I literally held the button for a minute that’s why it stopped half way. Now, referring to the title above. Yes, WHAT?! What is wrong with you Beliebers? Seriously, I’m a Belieber and I don’t believe in sinking so low to cut myself red just for someone I admire because he might have or might NOT have taken weed. And why must that stupid thing trend? WHY?! Why are you people encouraging the rest? This is ridiculous! If you are trying to get JB’s attention, this ISN’T the way! Do something smart and positive. Stop hurting yourself just to gain attention or prove that you are some hard core fan. It’s just plain ludicrous. So stop. hurting yourself isn't going to cure anything but just leave scars and as you grow up, you'll realise how stupid you've been and regret it for the rest of your life. Think before you act.

Random Fact: Read this, Beliebers!