Heylo J Welcome new readers & welcome back ol’ ones to Explosive Nose Charge & Rabbit’s Foot Blogspot J We would like to
say thank you once again & in the following stream of posts for your
attention & support J Now as this is our
first post (earlier was the intro, mind you), we would like to post ‘The Moments’. Yes, the moments; awkward, disturbing, creepy,
scary, funny, embarrassing, annoying, frustrating, plain stupid & lots
more. So just relax, unwind & sit back on your chair or bed or wherever you
are & take a scroll down to read J
J The scary moment when you’re
on the path of an uncontrolled skater
J The awkward moment when your jokes get too
long & everyone just stares at you
J The scary moment when you think of a scary
thought in your dark bedroom all alone
J The awesome moment when your microwave ‘beeps’
& your food is ready
J The creepy moment when an Internet ‘MeMe’ describes your life
J The embarrassing moment when no one gets your
joke & they just stare
J The awkward moment when the whole movie
theatre goes silent & you’re
the only one talking & everyone can hear you
J The embarrassing moment when you burst out
laughing randomly & people just stop & stare
J The awkward moment when it’s
your birthday & people start clapping & singing & you don’t
know what to do but just join in the clapping
J The annoying moment when you’re
injured & it’s
obvious & someone comes up to you & ask ‘Are
you okay?’
J The frustrating moment when you’re
angry & you’re
yelling & you get a word wrong
J The Annoying moment when an adult turns to you
& say ‘You’ll
understand/learn when you’re
J The frustrating moment when someone tells you
off for doing something & when you ask them why they can do it, they say ‘‘Cause I’m older’
all for today J
There will obviously be more posts on ‘The
& other random stuff. So till the next post, ROCK ON! ~Allyx N Nelly
Question: If cheese was made of milk, then why is it yellow?